test kits

The meter test kit for swimming pools is basically used as an element to check the water. This usually includes PH reagent and chlorine reagent, and materials such as cylinders and test tubes to carry out the corresponding experimentation.
Step 1: Take a sample of the water

dip the plastic tester in your pool, making sure to draw water from a depth of at least 30 centimeters for a more accurate sample. Water chemistry near the pool surface is most affected by ultraviolet rays and therefore tends to vary from actual water levels.
Step 2: Chlorine and pH Test

Add five drops (depending on the specifications you bring) of the oto solution to the yellow side for chlorine and 5 drops of the ph solution to the red side.
Step 3: mix the solution

Put the stoppers on the vials and invert or turn the vials upside down several times to mix the solution with the pool water.
Step 4 – Compare Colors

Wait a few seconds, then compare the color in the vial to the color standards indicated on the plastic tester.
Ideal chlorine: 1.0 - 1.5
Ideal pH: 7.2 - 7.8